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来源:求学问校网 发表时间:2012-07-13 浏览 44 次
12、Many teenagers undergo stress, but results of a recent study indicate that the patterns of stress that girls experience are more likely to result in depression than are those that boys experience.
(A) are those that boys experience
(B) what boys experience
(C) boys' experience would
(D) boys' stress patterns do stress patterns of boys
应该有个对比,A 加了 those 和前面的那个 patterns 对应,留着。
B 说 what 而前面说 patterns of stress that girls,显然没有 A 对应,而且还少了动词,干掉。
C 就是 boys’ experience 和前面的 pattern 进行对比了,干掉。
D 说 boys’ stress patterns do(前面用的是 are more likely 后面怎么能用 do?)而且和前面的 patterns of stress that girls 对应的不是太好
E patterns of stress of boys (没有动词而A有 are这个动词) 和前面的 patterns of stress that girls 对应的没有 A 工整。
(A) are those that boys experience
(B) what boys experience
(C) boys' experience would
(D) boys' stress patterns do stress patterns of boys
应该有个对比,A 加了 those 和前面的那个 patterns 对应,留着。
B 说 what 而前面说 patterns of stress that girls,显然没有 A 对应,而且还少了动词,干掉。
C 就是 boys’ experience 和前面的 pattern 进行对比了,干掉。
D 说 boys’ stress patterns do(前面用的是 are more likely 后面怎么能用 do?)而且和前面的 patterns of stress that girls 对应的不是太好
E patterns of stress of boys (没有动词而A有 are这个动词) 和前面的 patterns of stress that girls 对应的没有 A 工整。